One-Sided Love - Coming Soon!

Design by Bob Towers - @bob.towers.3

Design by Bob Towers - @bob.towers.3

One-sided love.  A year and a half of writing my second play going back and forth, draft after draft, changing different directions of the storyline and now I'm finally confident to release. Firstly, as a free download for everyone to read. This is to say thank you to all our followers who continue to support us on this journey of ours. This will be available on our website sometime in April, we will be releasing the date very soon and funky free badges will be available as well. How boss is that!

Secondly, after much thought, we have decided we want this particular project to be produced for radio. As a writer, I want to not just confine myself to one specific area. I want to experiment with different creative avenues, just like we did for our recent project, Unspoken. This was our very first short film for us as a production company. (Unspoken will be available to watch later this year. ) 


It's important for us to express our creativeness in all types of platform and this one will push not only me, but us as a production team to produce something different.

One-sided love will be in the production stage between April to June and we will be looking for it to hopefully get picked up by radio after that. We will be doing a casting call very soon so if you're an actor and you like what you hear, then please get in touch. No experience needed, just passion!

We would like to thank Bob Towers for helping with the design along with Andrew Smith. More great art to come for the promotion for this project and more news will be covered in Megan Kay's article in March.

Words by Christopher Woodward
Pictures & Design by Andrew Smith
Design by Bob Towers