Episode 7 Preview! Likeminded Podcast


As Boris Johnson announced the three tier system a few weeks back in Liverpool, handing out more restrictions and eventually resulted in the whole country going into a second lockdown, I was left with the attitude; “Well, that’s the podcast finished for the year”.

I suddenly got a bombardment of messages from Andrew, Caitlin and Bob saying that they would love to still carry on with the podcast via Zoom. I was a bit reserved about the whole thing if I’m honest, mainly the sound quality of the episodes but after hearing it,  the sound was surprisingly good considering it was over Zoom. It was good to see the whole team not letting the current restrictions that we are all in jeopardise another project. Here we are with another fantastic episode with great guests.

In this episode, Bob and Caitlin spoke to Andrew Games and Michael Roberts, who are two local independent Filmmakers. They both share a similar story of how they got into performing arts and eventually taking that leap into film making. The experience these two hold is very valuable and I took a lot from this episode, especially hearing about their techniques and projects that they’ve worked on and also created on their own independently. What struck me was the passion from both creatives resonated right through this episode.  It’s great that their passion is still alive after many years within the field, as you’ll hear this Sunday.

 It was brilliant to hear that both lads share the same opinion about upcoming creatives urging them to have a go. As our listeners will know, throughout this podcast since it started in September,  all our guests have shared this advice of having a go and get your work out there. I agree,  it’s all apart of the journey and the learning process you go through, no class could ever teach. Hands on and action helps you become better in whatever field your in. 

Listening to these creatives was a breath of fresh air. This is what Likeminded Podcast is all about, insightful, engaging and overall fun. I really enjoyed this episode. I love how creativity can be created and inspired through everyday life. Michael touched on what inspired the idea for his own sitcom ‘Morbid’ that he also acted in under his acting name Michael Dee. Have a watch here.

Michael is not the first to touch on this taboo subject of death and loss. Ugly Bucket Theatre created a play called ‘Good Grief’ and it was highly successful. He was absolutely spot on when he touched on how important supporting one another and invest time in each other. That’s exactly what we pride ourselves on,  by supporting other creatives. We are not scared to share or recommend other production companies. I absolutely love that Michael has a vision board to motivate him which just shows that he has a clear vision on what he wants. Michael and Andrew live and breathe their projects, just head over to their social media’s, especially Andrew. The amount of passion, work and effort that he’s put into his upcoming independent film, ‘Dandilicious’ is absolutely inspiring, it really is.

I first saw Andrew when he performed in the Unity in the play, Mersey Beat. Incredible performance from Andrew. It’s inspiring to also hear that Andrew suffered from language disorder when he was young and overcame it. This is a example of what type of person Andrew is and shows his passion for the performing arts. His promotional techniques and marketing of a project is spot on, as many people know I love the branding and marketing side of a project and Andrew has a way of building his projects up well in advance, creating a sense of excitement and build up. I love the strategy. Overall this episode is absolutely spot on that covers everything from what drives these creatives to what they do and the techniques and style that make these two unique. Episode 7 is available this Sunday on all major platforms.

Words by Christopher Woodward