All good things come to an end.

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Well, not cancelled. Just in hibernation.

In August 2020 - in the middle of the pandemic, Likeminded Podcast was born.  We were blown away by the positive response from everyone and the support has been fantastic right through the three seasons. It’s been enjoyable listening to so many amazingly talented creatives in our beautiful city. The podcast aimed to bring energetic discussions and insightful interviews with people making a difference in the local performing arts scene. The show is all about reflecting on what is happening and help inspire innovation. The podcast is thoughtful, accessible, responsive, warm-hearted and most importantly, supporting everyone. We’ve formed friendships and hopefully - in the future, we can collaborate with these creatives on a project. 

But with all things, it must come to an end.  We regrettably announce that Season 3 is our last full season of the podcast, and it's in two parts. The first part will finish on 4th July and the second part of the season will commence at the beginning of August. We are looking to go out with a bang with the final four episodes jammed pack with fantastic guests.  

Do you want to be on a last episode? Get in touch here

Don’t forget we have our newest podcast show - Opening Nights starting very soon.

We can’t wait to start working on our new planned production of Kristallnacht. This project will be our first production for stage in two years and we are very excited to get back into the swing of things. We have exciting announcements coming through our newsletter Insider in a few weeks about this including; audition, Director and set designer announcements. So get subscribed here.

Thank you to all the creatives we’ve had on the podcast. I hope you all enjoyed coming on. Your support has been amazing. For our listeners, we are blown away at how many we have had, the support has been unreal. Get to know your theatre scene with all three seasons of the podcast by clicking below.